2 Bands, 8 Exercises.


Resistant bands are a very useful tool to use for workouts whilst travelling or while at home. One of the main bonuses of bands is their versatility which makes them a great purchase for anyone looking to get a full body workout with minimal equipment. There are an abundance of exercises that can be done with bands with some being simpler than others to perform and some being more effective than others. To give you an idea of how you can use resistance bands to get an effective workout in, here are 8 simple but effective exercises you can do to work the entire body:


Romanian deadlifts:

  • Wrap band(s) beneath both feet.

  • Grasp other end of bands with hands

  • Begin in an upright position

  • Descend by hinging at the hips maintaining a flat back and allowing the knees to soften in order to keep the shins vertical

  • Once you feel a slight pull through the hamstrings, squeeze the glutes and stand back up into an upright position

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  • Wrap band(s) beneath both feet and over the head so that the band is coming up on the inside of the knees and rest on the traps.

  • Begin in an upright position

  • Squat down making sure the knees track with the toes and back remains flat throughout the movement

  • Once thighs are parallel to the ground then stand back up and return to start position


Lat pulldown:

  • Lie down on back and attach band(s) to a solid object behind where the head is resting

  • Position yourself far enough away so that arms are fully extended when you reach for the band(s)

  • Grasp the band(s) using both hands and pull down until the band meets the chest

  • Return to starting position

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Shoulder press:

  • Whilst standing place band(s) beneath both feet.

  • Rest the other end of the band(s) within each hand

  • Whilst maintaining an upright position, press the band overhead

  • Return to start position by slowly bringing the band back down to the upper chest.


Seated row:

  • Begin in a seated position

  • Wrap band(s) around both feet

  • Grasp the other end of the band(s) with both hands

  • Whilst maintaining an upright seated position pull the bands towards the body

  • Squeeze the shoulder blades together and and keep the rib cage down

  • Return to start position by allowing the arms to straighten out in front.

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Seated chest press:

  • Begin in a seated position

  • Wrap the band(s) around both feet then around. the back of the torso

  • Rest the end of each band in the palms of the hands with arms bent to begin.

  • Press the arms forward into a straightened position and bring the hands together.

  • Return to start position by allowing the arms to bend so that elbows are inline with the torso.


Bicep curls:

  • Begin by wrapping band(s) beneath feet

  • Grasp the other end of the band(s) with both hands

  • Stand I an upright position with arms straight by the side of the body

  • Bend the elbows and pull the band towards the head

  • Return to the start positioning by slowly allowing the arms to straighten down to the side of the body.

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Tricep kickbacks:

  • Begin by kneeling down on all fours

  • Attach the band to a sturdy object in front of the body

  • Position yourself far enough away so that when you grab the band(s) that there is tension on it

  • Bring the elbow up inline with the torso with the elbow bent

  • Then, while holding the band, extend the arm into a straightened position

  • Bend the elbow and return to start position


Advance to progress


1 Dumbbell, 8 Exercises.