1 Kettlebell, 8 Exercises


The kettlebell is very useful and is arguably one of the most, stand alone, versatile pieces of exercise equipment as it can be used to help develop strength, stability, endurance, explosive power and coordination. There are numerous exercises that can be performed depending on what your overall focus may be and below are just some examples of ones you can try out for yourself to provide you with a full body workout:


Kettlebell swing

  • Begin by standing slightly wider than shoulder width apart

  • With the kettlebell position on the ground out in front of the body, hinge at the hips towards the ground, grasp the kettlebell and and tilt it towards you

  • With straight arms, lift the kettlebell off from the ground and swing in-between the legs with the wrists making contact with inner thigh

  • Maintaining a neutral spine, rapidly extend the hips to accelerate the kettlebell forwards and upwards keeping the arms straight as you do.

  • As the kettlebell begins to lower, guide it back between the legs by hinging so as to load the hips before rapidly extending once again. Repeat movement as needed.

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Single arm clean to lunge

  • Using one arm, perform the kettlebell swing

  • As the kettlebell rises up from the hips, curl the kettlebell around the arm so that it rests on the outside of the upper arm in a front rack position

  • With opposite leg perform a reverse lunge before standing up and repeating the entire movement as many times as needed


Single arm push press

  • Begin by standing in an upright position with the kettlebell resting on the outside of the upper arm in a front rack position

  • Perform a dip and drive action by bending slightly at both the knees and the hips and rapidly extending to accelerate the kettlebell upwards

  • As you extend the knees and hips, simultaneously press the kettlebell into the air until the arm is fully locked out

  • Lower the kettlebell back down to the start positioning making sure to cushion it on its way down by performing the dipping action

  • From here you can then drive again into the following rep


Single arm, single leg bent over row

  • Grasping the kettlebell in one hand, hinge over whilst simultaneously lifting the leg on the same side behind you in an extended position

  • As you hinge make sure to keep the arm straight and allow the kettlebell to lower towards the floor

  • Whilst holding this position, pull the kettlebell up towards the body then lower back to a straight arm position

  • Repeat the previous step as many times as needed


Turkish get up

  • Begin by lying on your back the with one arm straight, holding the kettlebell up in the air and the other rested out to the side, the leg on the side of the KB bent with foot flat on the floor with the other leg resting in an extended position

  • Keeping the KB raised upward throughout, lift the torso and roll onto the elbow then the hand of the resting arm

  • Lift the hips up off the ground

  • Tuck the extended leg beneath the body so as to rest on the knee

  • Lift the body upright so as to no longer rest on the hand

  • Stand into a fully upright position

  • Return to the start position by reversing the previous steps


Lunge swing throughs

  • Begin by grasping the KB in one hand

  • Adopt a lunged position making sure that the back knee is hovering just off of the ground

  • Whilst maintaining this position swing the KB beneath the front leg and pass in to the other hand

  • Repeat this action for the required number of reps before switching stances so that the other leg is forwards


Plank reaches

  • Assume a plank position with the kettlebell resting out in front of the body roughly an arms length away

  • Whilst holding a plank begin to tap the the kettle bell with one hand at a time in an alternating manner making sure to keep the rest of the body still and stable throughout the movement

  • Repeat for the required amount of time/reps


Kettlebell russian twists

  • Begin in a seated position on the floor with the kettlebell placed beside you

  • Lean the torso back and lift both legs up off the floor whilst keeping them straight

  • Whilst holding this position, grab the kettlebell with both hands and begin to pass it from side to side

  • Do this for the required number of reps or time


Stretching is fetching when it comes to your health


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