Consistency is key


While there are many tools that can be utilized when it comes to health and fitness, there is none more potent than consistency.

When it comes to your health, I speak of consistency as having steadfast adherence to a set of principles and actions that will allow you to progress forwards and help you achieve your goals. The majority of the most successful people in the world did not get to where they are by chance, it was because they were consistent in their actions. A professional musician did not master an instrument by playing one song, a scientist didn’t become an expert by reading one book and an olympic athlete didn’t become a champion of his sport just by doing it once. Their mastery and expertise comes from their relentless and consistent pursuit of their goals. Your health is no different.

If you want to see results your actions must speak louder than your words and they must be consistent with you goals. You can have the best training/nutrition plan in the world but nothing will be achieved if you aren’t consistent with it. One workout isn’t going to turn you into superman or wonder woman, one good meal isn’t going to turn your body into a temple, it’s the things you do on a regular basis that cause the biggest change to happen.

Consistency is not easy, it requires sacrifice, hard work and willpower. There will be times when you fail but failure isn’t a bad thing, it’s an opportunity to grow. When you learned to ride a bike, you, like many others probably fell a bunch of times. You didn’t just give up though did you? You got up, brushed yourself off and tried again and again until you mastered it.

If you want change to happen then be strong, be focused, and be consistent.


The Warm Up


Stronger, Faster, Further