1 Cable Machine, 8 exercises


When it comes to gym machines the cable machine is one of the most versatile pieces amongst the lot providing the opportunity for individuals to perform numerous different exercises in order to target the entire body for a highly effective workout. To give you an example of this, below I will be showing you 8 exercises you can do for a total body workout. .


Cable Squats

  • Using handle attachments, set the cables in their lowest position

  • Pick a suitable weight and grasp the handles and lift into a front rack position and stand up straight

  • Perform the movement by squatting down until thighs are parallel with the floor or hips are in line with the knees

  • Stand back up and return to start position


Cable Romanian Deadlifts

  • Using the bar attachment, attach each end to the cables and position them in their lowest position

  • Begin by hinging down and grasping the bar

  • Take the slack out of the bar and get tight through the body

  • Keeping the shins straight come into and upright position by squeezing the glutes and bringing the hips forward keeping the bar close throughout the movement

  • Lower the bar down and return to start position to finish


Cable Chest Press

  • using the handle attachments, position the cables roughly to the height of the bottom of your pecs when you’re standing up straight

  • Grasp both handles and bring them together

  • Step forward into a slight lunge position and position the hands in the press position (as shown in picture)

  • Whilst holding this body position press the handles forwards straightening the arms and bring the handle close together at the end of the range

  • Bend the arms again and return to the start position


Quadrupedal Single Arm Lat pulldown

  • Using the handle attachment, position the cable roughly an arms length away from the ground

  • Position yourself on all 4s on the ground just slightly further than arms reach away from the cable

  • Grasp the handle with one hand and pull the elbow down towards the hips whilst keeping the rest of the body stable

  • Return to the start position by extending the arm out to a straightened position


Kneeling Cable Shoulder Press

  • Using the bar attachment, connect it to the cable machine on both ends.

  • Position the cables at roughly hip height whilst in an upright kneeling position

  • Lift the bar into a front rack position making sure that your body is positioned in line with the cables

  • Keeping the body stable, press the bar overhead until the arms are fully extended

  • Lower the bar back down into the front rack position to return to start position


Seated Cable Row

  • Using the single straight bar attachment, position the cable at roughly the same height as the bottom f the pecs whilst sitting on the floor

  • To begin, place feet against the cable machine and grasp the bar with both hands with a underhand grip

  • Extend the legs and keep the arms straight until the bar slightly lifts away from the machine

  • Keeping tension throughout the body and maintaining the torso in an upright position, pull the bar into the chest

  • As you pull think about squeezing the shoulder blades together at the end range of the movement

  • Straighten the arms out and return to starting position


Single Arm Tricep Extension

  • Using rope attachment, place the cable at it’s highest position

  • With one hand, grasp the rope and stagger the stance with the opposing foot to the hand that is holding the rope positioned forward

  • Lean the body slightly forward, set the shoulder down and back and bring the elbow down towards the side of the body whilst keeping the arm bent to attain the start position

  • Keeping the rest of the body stable, pull the cable towards the ground by extending the arm into a straight position

  • Allow the arm to bend back to return to start position


Cable Bicep Curl

  • Using the single straight bar attachment, position the cable in it’s lowest position

  • Begin by grasping the bar with both hands and standing in an upright position with arms straight

  • Sit the shoulder down and back and keeping the shoulders by the side of the body lift the cable by flexing at the elbow as high as the elbow will allow

  • Lower the cable bar down by allowing the arm to return to a straightened position in a controlled manner


1 step back, 2 steps forward


The Devil is in the details